

React یک کتابخانه open source از جاوا اسکریپت است که برای ساخت و طراحی user interface های تعاملی بهینه و منعطف در web application ها ساخته شده است. در این دوره با امکانات و سرویسهای ارائه شده در React آشنا خواهید شد.


محتواي آموزشي:

Introduction to React
– Welcome to Front-End Web Development with React
– Setting up Your Development Environment: Git and Node
– Setting up Git
– Basic Git Commands
– Online Git Repositories
– Node.js and NPM
– Setting up Node.js and NPM
– Basics of Node.js and NPM
– Setting up your Development Environment: Git and Node
– Introduction to React: Objectives and Outcomes
– Front-end JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries
– Introduction to React
– Getting Started with React
– React App Overview
– Introduction to JSX
– Configuring your React Application
– React Components
– React Components: State and Props
– React Components: Lifecycle Methods
React Router and Single Page Applications
– React Component Types
– Presentational and Container Components
– React Components: Lifecycle Methods
– Functional Components
– React Component Types
– React Router
– React Virtual DOM
– Header and Footer
– Single Page Applications
– React Router: Parameters
– UI Design and Prototyping
React Forms, Flow Architecture and Introduction to Redux
– Controlled Forms
– Controlled Form Validation
– Uncontrolled Forms
– Uncontrolled Components
– Uncontrolled Forms
– Introduction to Redux
– The Model-View-Controller Framework
– The Flux Architecture
– Introduction to Redux
– React Redux Forms
– React Redux Form Validation
More Redux and Client-Server Communication
– Redux Actions
– Combining Reducers
– Redux Thunk
– React-Redux-Form Revisited
– Client-Server Communication

– Networking Essentials
– Brief Representational State Transfer (REST)
– Setting up a Server using json-server
– Client-Server Communication
– Fetch
– Promises
– Fetch
– Fetch from Server
– Fetch Handling Errors
– Fetch Post Comment
– React Animations
– React Animation Components
– Redux, Client-Server Communication and Fetch
– Building and Deployment
– Introduction to Webpack
– Building and Deploying the React Application
– Project Implementation

شايستگيهاي مورد انتظار کسب شده پس از اجراي دوره:
توانايي تولید بخش تعاملي application web هاي
بزرگ که نیاز به جابجايي داده هاي زياد بدون بارگزاري
مجدد صفحات دارند.

توضیحات تکمیلی

کد دوره


مدت زمان دوره

80 ساعت

پیش نیاز های دوره

Html , CSS , JavaScript

مخاطبان دوره

دانشجویان IT, دانشجویان رشته‌های مهندسی کامپیوتر, علاقه مندان به برنامه نویسی تحت وب, علاقه مندان به زبان‌های برنامه‌نویسی حرفه‌ای نظیر Java، C# و PHP

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